18 Months Old - A Year and half!!
Hi world.. today I turned one an half year… It was very exciting for my parents and me. I don’t think it is necessary like I don’t think it is necessary to celebrate any other day with the loved ones. We need to just celebrate what should be celebrated every day.
There was no cake. No singing. No presents. No, um, nothing… but I still cherish the togetherness. There are so many events to share on my 18 months update and not sure where to began. I have grown in inches and gained pounds, but it’s simply amazing how much things have changes in last 3 months. Started walking, 2 new teeth and total of 6 now, passed the potty training, picking up new words ..learned some bit of Malayalam, Hindi, English and not to forget Marathi :)
With My Friend Doggy |
As my dad says… it’s not the party but rather the acknowledgment of how truly we feel blessed for reaching this milestone in life…he was happy that I was healthy and beautiful as ever :)
And there is a warning message for all … As no one will be spared if its repeated and no gifts given when I complete 2 years and celebrate my actual Happy Birthday :) I would be ready with my bucket list!!!