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A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.

Monday 30 June 2014

Father’s Day- My first celebration at new school

Friends, As you all know I have moved to a new home and town and with that I got a new school too.… I will update you in detail on the new school sometime later. Now it’s all about my very first event at school with my parents “Father’s Day”  

Father’s day….for me it comes every day I am with my “Rajesh”. I am not really very sure as to what its all about but its exciting as both mom and dad were going to join me in school.
The teachers informed that Father’s day would be celebrated with “Salad Decoration” competition for dad and me. This was to be held at school on 21st June, Saturday … everybody was like dad and “Salad decoration” but it was a surprise when he asked mom to sign the participation consent letter for the Father’s day celebration.
So the first part was over and now comes what me and dad was going to do over there J and till now what I know about my dad is that all this time he had only eaten Salads !!

So the process of designing started and he won’t tell anyone what he is planning. There were ideas pouring in from all side but I feel he had some indication in his mind. Finally a day before the event he gave a list of things required for the Salad. We went for a gala shopping and brought all items for the competition. Grandma helped by arranging all accessories and bought veggies for us from local sabjiwala. It was much later we realized that he was researching on net and learning about the subject from youtube and cookery sites  

The best part was dad went down to check vegi from the local vendor and got some vegetables, grandma and the maid converted it into a gala lunch J so we had to go again at night to get things needed for the competition.   
Finally the D-day arrived. Mom woke me up and dressed me up for school celebration. All at home were busy packing all stuff for us in a bag. Dad and I rushed to reach there in time. Yes, the competition started and it was all fun. Along with us there were other friends who had also joined with their dads. I helped dad in arranging things, colored vegies, distributed tooth pick to visitors and judges. All Moms busy clicking pictures… it look more like Mother’s day as all dads were working and moms busy playing games with school staff and teachers.

Have a look at the picture, you all will agree it’s was a great salad …. But Judge felt there is nothing to eat in it ha ha ha…. But how rude was that !! Anyways all part of game and were happy that we had a good time at the event… First ever event for dad and daughter. And we pose for pictures as if we are the winners ;)

Have a great father’s day!  
 Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, though it is also celebrated widely on other days by many other countries. Father's Day was created to complement Mother's Day, a celebration that honors mothers and motherhood.


Styling my hair!!

I consider myself lucky as from the day I was born there was a persona hair stylist for me!!  He kept that one right with him and no one dare to overrule him.

So be it Mundan or getting the first cut all was his call and I as a trusted ……… given my head out to him

It was  a Friday evening when dad came back from office are we both went to a mall for ice cream and we got to see the Loeral saloon.. he looked at me and asked if I am ready .. and then the fun starts

Some of the hair style selected for future sessions

Piggyback Braid

Book Worm Beauty

Bobbed Beauty

Bangs and Bands

Simple and Sweet

Proper Pony